Andrew. June 28th 1868
Olde Friend Thorp,
As I just founde out your address yesterday I now hasten to drop you a few lines that I hope may at least be wellcomed by you. My health is very good at preasent & I am just enjoying my self just to the best of my knoweledge. I have not done over three dayes work since I have been home. Tharp I must first tell you of my good luck thank the Lord I am once more my own man, turned out into the world with out being subject to military order. I am now entirely at the mursy of the girls.
Thorp I wish that you would speak a good word to mis Henderson for E.F. for if I come out your way this fawl to see you I should like very mutch to call and get acquainted with my old late-yet-unacquainted-with correspondant.
Thorp I was down to Clinton this weak to see about some of my back pay & there I found your address in Bakers returns & now hasten to write to you. Thorp if you are not yeat mustered out you had better goe rite down if you are able. I was mustered out three weaks last thursday. Tharp if you do goe down, I want you should be shure to stop at Low Moor it is just 10 mile from Clinton & I will be at that place any time after the Fourth. you will find me there.
the weather is very fine & we are all antisipating a very nice time on the Fourth all togeather prossed [?]. We shall all of us have nearly as good a time as we had last fourth.
I saw W.F. McCarum yesterday. he is enjoying very good health & is the same old much as he ever was. there is not any change in him. I allso received a letter from J Smith yesterday. it brought to me the sad news of the death of some more of our worthy companions namely Wellington Thayer drowned while attempting to make his escape from the enemy. Welcom Master in hospital at Baltimore M.D. on the 15th of April.
Well Thorp as this is so very poorly written & spelt that it will be very tiresum for you to read it I will close requesting you to write just as soon as you gett this & I remane your Old Friend and Obedient Servant.
give my best respcts to Mis. Henderson & I remane as ever then.
E.F. Manning
Andrew Jackson
It looks like the author is spelling the name "Thorp" and "Tharp" which probably means the pronunciation was changing. It also sounds like perhaps Andrew was also in the military at some point?