Friday, January 28, 2011

Andrew Thorp to Washington Thorpe 14 April 1873

Grundy County, Missouri
April 14 1873
Dear Children,

I take the present time to write a few lines to let you know how we getting along. We are all in tolerable health except Wash his health poor this spring. We hope you are all well.

I recieved the wheat in due time and have sowed it two weeks ago. The freight amounted to 182.15 Henry's folks are well. We have had fine spring for buisines [sic] we have had very cold rains though. the ground is to wet to plow at present. It rained some last night and is quite squally today. The grass is starting on the prairie.

We learn by a letter from Marris Eddy to Henry's folks that J. Leslie has got back to Bremer again and was very sick please write and let us know how he is doing.

Give my love to the boys tell them I will write to them soon. I will send you the methodist Recorder our church paper. It has a letter from California written by Brother Baker giving a description of Los Anglas county which is flattering indeed. I admire the climate and commercil advantages please me very much. I prefer it to Nebraska.

Thaw the paper the bags. Perhaps I penciled enough for the present.

Write soon give my love to the family.
Yours truly
A Tharp
to W. Tharp
I swear it says "Thaw the paper the bags." I have no idea what this means. Anyone?

Later edit: Mom suggests that 182.15 is high, and it looks like that initial stroke might be an abbreviation mark (presumably for a $). Or it's even possible that what I'm taking as /8 is itself a $ and the amount should be $2.15.

For Thaw the paper the bags I now suggest "Show the paper the boys" but will leave it unedited for now.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Andrew Thorp to Washington Thorpe 3 Mar. 1873

Grundy County
March 3rd /73

Dear Children

I read your letter of the 24th all yesterday. It found us in usual health except myself. I am some afflicted with rheumatism though not seriously I can be up and about. Catherine is about as usual. Wash Herrods family are well. Henrys folks are all well.

I have nothing to write that be interesting to you. the epizootic passed over without any great damage some few cases proved fatal. Wash Herrods mare lost a colt and also Henry's mare the same. There is some stir about Nebrasca in this part of Mo. some of our neighbors have gone to southern Nebraska near the junction of the rail road they report fine soil but very little timber and that the country is being very fast. 

Well about wheat it will be quite a favor for I feel grateful. about shipping I have no other directions to give only do the best you can. 

Well about them little folks you speak of. you certainly look upon them as a great treasure. I feel proud myself to hear of your good luck in that direction. Train them up in nu[r]ture and admonition of the Lord and educate them well and who knows but they make great the name of Tharp. I should be glad to see them and all the rest of my friends in Iowa.

I must bring this letter to close give my love to all the family.

your affectionate father
Andrew Tharp.
To W Tharp and family
epizootic--a disease of animals. Andrew is probably referring to the outbreak of equine influenza in 1872, which was called "The Great Epizootic" (this article talks mentions it; this one give more detail. I love the internet).

It sounds like Washington and Mary have had children. Twins, maybe, since I gather from Andrew's comments that there are grandchildren (in the plural) whom he hasn't seen, although it's possible that they're not newborns but young children of different ages. Anyone know when Frank Thorp was born?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Andrew Thorp to Washington Thorpe 12 Feb. 1873

Grundy County
February 12 1873

Dear son and family,

I take my pen in hand to address a few lines to you all we are all well at this time and hope when this reaches you it will find you enjoying the same blessing.

We have had a severe winter in Missouri the thermometer stood at 28 to 32 degrees below zero for one day. We have had morer [sic] snow than has been in this state in one winter for many years. But the weather is fine no rain yet, the snow melting away by the warmth of the sun. Times are pretty tight in Visey [?] property of all kinds low except wheat and flour. wheat 1.35 flour proportionally seed wheat spring inferior 1.50 and scarce.

Now Washington, I want you to send me five lb bushells of the best spring wheat for seed tea wheat if you can get it. Henry wrote to James a short time ago about sending some seed to him but has read no answer yet. It will be a great favor if you boys can send the wh[e]at. I raised no wheat last year our old wheat done us up to present time but we shall have to bag flour until we raise wheat again. the bugs summer before last destroyed our spring wheat entirely.

I am sorry to have to say that I have not the money to send at present but have a prospect of some in June next. I can refund the money by the first of July speak to James and Milton about the matter. you will use your own judgment whether to sack or barrel or box or coffee sacks will do they will be the cheapest. I will post [illegible] to Trenton to the care of Smith and Jacoby unless directed otherwise.

Well enough about the wheat. Give my love to all the conexion and old friends. If I live and prosper I intend to go to Iowa some time between and next fall.

Write soon and let know about the wheat.
Yours truly,
Andrew Tharp
to Washington Tharp and family.
Frozen ink poor pen and nervous hand. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Josephine Scovell to Washington Tharp 9 March 1863

This is out of order--there's a smudge and I originally thought it was dated 1869. This is the last from cousin Josephine.

Noblesvill Hamilton County Ind
March the 9th 1869

Dear Cousin

Once more for the last six months I take my pen in hand to write a few lines in answer to your letter wich I recieved to day at dinner. I had looked in vain for the last five months for a letter and I gave it up last week. I was so glad that I had to quit eating to read the news but I was badly dissipointed not finding your miniature but I am satisfied to wait untill the next letter if you are not so long about getting one started. You will think this is most thundering plain talk but you know me or at least you used to know me. I have got to be pretty in the last few years but I am not so wild as I used to be.

I am sorry to hear that my miniature was damaged but I could not send it so far in a case the post master says he would not insure it to go. O yes I had forgot to tell you that I am well at presant and all the rest of the folks and I hope when this long or short letter comes to hand they will find you well and all the rest of my folks out there. some of them that I have never saw but while I am on that subject I will tell you I and pa talks of coming out there next fall if nothing happens. O how I do wish that it was me instead of this letter that was going to [illegible] dont you. and I don't want you to be married before then and then I want you to come home with us won't we see a jolly time it makes my heart fairly come in my throat to think about it.

I would have like to been at your house the other night and went to meeting with you but just wait untill I come then we will go nobody knows where.

there has been a great deal of sickness in our part of the county this winter. there was not girls enough to be hired to take care of the sick. all of our larger girls left school to go and well I have not been at home to stay for three months but I am going home in 2 weeks to stay and I don't think that I ever will work away from home again. it is to hard for me. I think I have done my share the woman I am working for is very sick she don't want me to go home she wants me to stay all summer but I take her not in the day time. She told me to day that I had no faults at all that she could find. she said I done my work precisely right. I was so glad to hear her talk so. I have not went to school vary much. this I went untill I took the ague then when I got well I come over here and have been here ever since.

I have written 2 letters to you since I recieved one from you. I wrote one of the hardest letters one sunday evening out under a cherry tree just after I had come from a peach orchard. you did not say any thing about it and so I concluded you never recieved it for would have been laughing yet for it was enough to tickle a dog if he could only larn his abcs.

We have had a few cases of the small pox in this town in the fore part of the winter. it never got spread, only in three families.

I recieved a letter from Henry See [?] last saturday. they was all well as far as they knew. I suppose you have heard that Uncle Elisha is dead as [illegible] did not write before. she came out to see us just six weeks before he died. he said he did not feel well when he was here. 

You said they did not tell you who amanda married. his name is William Hodson. I never saw him.

I am tired and sleepy. I will go to bed and dream what to write tomorrow.

March the fourth. I thought it was time to finish my letter. I am still writing to the boys in the army when you come out here I will let you read them. some of them are splendid to read.

I wish you were here tonight to go with me to the wedding. there is a couple going to be married in the Methodist Church at six o clock. there was to many young folks married last winter and now I don't know of but one man out of the number but what has gone to the army and what better condition are they now in. some of them are a great deal worse of then they would have been had they stayed at home. I know that I would not exchange places with none of them. this war has caused Indiana to shed more tears in the last 2 years than them ever this generation ever knew. how many of our boys have gone that will never more return their native homes or see their friends. O it is most awful to think of. Just think of the boys from our settlement that are dead and wonded [?]. the sad that we are to never more see our neighbors is intirely broke up every boy that was over 18 went and some that was under that age. there is a great many that I think will live to go.

I do not know of any thing of importance to write but when you get this letter I dont want you to wait untill another six months is gone before you now remember. I concluded you were married and never expected to write any more. that is the way I am and write there tell them that I live on the same old farm yet and the post office is not changed. I have not herd from them for a year. I may close to night so no more at presant.

Write soon,
From your loving Cousin
Josephine Scovell
To Washington Tharp.