Wednesday, February 23, 2011

S.M. Wright to Anna McPeak 17 Jan 1875

This is tiny and the date is hard to read--probably it should have come before the previous letter. I believe that Anna's mother was a Wright, so this is probably an aunt or perhaps a grandmother?
Epworth Iowa Jan 17th 1875

Dear Anna

I was much pleased with your letter, am glad you are learning to write. I am not sorry that your school is out, I often thought of you and worried for fear you might get caught out in some of the cold storms and suffer or perhaps free[ze] and that would be awful. I shall feel better now that you will be at home with your ma. I hope you will be a good girl and have patience and perseverence to learn your lessons well. only think how nice it is to have a kind mother to take care of you and hear you recite your lessons. How many little children there is that have not got any mother to take care of them and teach them to love the Savior who said suffer little children to come unto me. he loves good children.

I hope you will thank God every day for giving you kind parents, and pray to him to take all of the naughty out of your heart so that you will not make them any trouble, and please the Savior, and grow up to be a useful pious woman.

I am glad Old Santa Claus didn't forget you but brought you something to keep you warm these cold nights. My eyes ache so I must stop. hope you will write again.

When I sat down I intended to write to your Ma too to night but find I haven't got any paper but this little baby stuff so will wait till I get some.

Good bye,
yours with much love,
S.M. Wright.
the "little baby stuff" is indeed small, and has a pressed figure on it of a rabbit. It's cute!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cassie ? to Anna McPeak 16 Oct. 1874

Meanwhile, a few states away.... We're switching families now to that of Anna McPeak (she will eventually marry into the Thorp family). This is the first letter from her collections, as those that were gathered mostly by Mary White Thorp.

Maquoketa, Iowa
Oct 16 /74
Dear Cousin Anna,

Your welcome letter came the other day. I was so glad to get it-tell your ma I did not see her letter yet. guess it did not come very fast. But it did seem an awful long time since I had heard from you. I was afraid you was some of you sick. Was glad to hear you was not. Am glad you like your school. how many rooms are there? The school here is very full this fall. 

I wonder if you have such exciting times out there about elections. Last Saturday night there was 476 horse men & foot men with Zacks [guessing that word] Democrats. Such a mob I never saw. about one hund was so tight they did not know whether they was afoot or horseback. and they howled as if in distress. The Republicans have been out once. they are comming out on the 28th again. They went to Charlotte on Tuesday evening and tonight they went to Anamora. They report a splendid time at C---. 

So you had a good time up at            [letter-writer left a blank]. Mr. Smiths son Will runs from there to Council Bluffs. Mrs. Spencers Fatherinlaw son. Aunt A will remember him telling her about him.

Well Anna it is morning and I am checked up with all the toll stations and guess the Hello will be quiet. In a little while so I'll try to finish this letter. it is a beautiful morning so warm and nice. Our warm nice weather is comming now instead of in July. Auntie and I took a drive yesterday. Dockie got a horse & Buggy. it is gentle but Auntie won't enjoy it very much. She will be so scary. It has been so long since they kept a horse.

Mr. Iron out to Anson Wilsons. Mrs. Wilson was burried a week ago sunday. I did not hear she was sick until I heard she was dead. She was ailing for along time before she was taken down. Mr. Wilson was sick when she died. he is just able to sit up a little now. Laura wished to be remembered to you. She and they did not know you was in town till you was gone. was so sorry not to see you. Mrs. Murry is quite sick and Leals baby is sick to. Jess Murry was there to see his mother and in putting his horses up a colt kicked him in the face. Broke his lower jaw and bruised his face badly. they have a bad time.I have not heard from Estell for along time. I expect she is busy in school. I hope she will take an interest in her studies.

I had a letter from Ceora Damon the other day lots of news. She is a good correspondent. Minnie is teaching school in this district. Libbie Younger wrote me the other day a good letter. They all indicate that George Wood will mary Rosy Humber. It was to bad John & Carrie lost their baby. Had a letter from Mrs. Price they start for New York this week. will visit us on their way back home. she says they had 40 bushel of apples that was apples. they was going to send some to the Exposition at New Orleans. 

So you have a wig. I expect that is nice. Tell Al he must be weak since he is married he don't hello one bit. Well I guess I have given you most all the news. You have got ahead of me. I don't got a Jersey. I took an old waist and covered it with beads. How do you think you could make that work. It was fun over the left but it looks fine. I have a bonnet to match. I had that when you was here. I am going to get nothing new unless it is a book this winter. I need one. 

Well I will say good bye. Love to all the folks. Tell Mailie to come out here and see me so we can tell if we know him. I expect he is a big boy. Well I guess if you read this scribble you will do well.

bye bye

Write sooner