Goldfield, Iowa June 23 /67
Mr. W Tharp
Dear friend, as I have been writing to almost all of the Connection and get no answer, I thought of trying you to see if you would write me a few lines so that we may know how things is a going on Shellrock. Well I will tell you that this is by far the wetest summer that we have had since we have lived on Boon river. The present propect for a crop is very dull. The wheat & oats that is on wet or even on flat land is gon. Now comes the corn. there will come one or two dry days so that men commences to plow in the corn then comes an awful heavy rain that stop all corn working. So you see that we have not got our corn worked once through yet Corn looks quite well considering the constant rainy weather.
If the weather does not soon become settled I think that some of the people here will have to imigrate if we can find the place where there will be a surplus and I may be amongst the number as my farm is very levil. if we have to leave you see we will be about once through.
Now I should like to know how the crops looks there on Shellrock. The past season has been a hard one on us as the early frost cut our corn short so that we through this part have to hall our corn from 20 to 40 miles and pay $1.50 per bushel $1.00 for Oats $1.50 for potatoes & $9.00 for flour corn meal $4.50 other things in proportion. There has been much people come into this section the past season more than there was grain raised for so you see that it makes hard times for them.
Now Wash I tell you that I have just about got the blues and will sell at the drop of a hat if I had the chance that I have refused more than once, which is $20 per acre but I was not ready to sell then. well I tell you that I have made considerable property since I saw you and it has cost me hundreds of dollars to live with as large a family to see after as I have. Well I calculate to take a tour south this fall if I can to see if there is not someplace that we will not have to feed stalk eight months out of twelve as we did the past season. I think of going into Missouri or into the East part Kansas.
Now I wish you to give me the county and Post office address of your father for I may pass that way or if I do not I will know where to write to. Also tell me how they like where they are and what the chance is for getting a farm there as I suppose you and them have correspondance.
you may tell James D. Moore & J.K. Swim of this letter and tell them to write to me as well as yourself. also tell them that I have no bid on the Company farm yet. I have two strings of the fence reset and have the other two to move and rebuild yet.
So I will close as I have no more to write at present.
Yours as ever,
JJ Moore
W Tharp
Andrew (and Jane, from the sound of it) moved to Missouri at some point; from the sound of this letter that may be where they are now.
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