Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Josephine Scovell to Washington Tharpe Jan 24, 1861

Again, this is very faded and hard to read.

January the 21 1861
Dear cousin
I thought I would try the progress of my pen once more on paper although it is not vary much but perhaps you can be able to read what I do write. I recieved your kind letter last friday evening how it made my heart leap for joy when I read it. it always makes me so glad to recieve a letter that you ....[words illegible] I am enjoying good health and hope you the same. I am at school today we have a vary good school. we had a good spelling school last tuesday night. you had better believe I had a good time. I wish you had been here it is allmost my thought daily about what I will do first when you come if you only did know how well I would like to see you come. you would not stay away  that so you sayed that you did wish that I could be there to take a sley ride with you [illegible] it nearly makes cry to think we are sepperated so far from each other. I have had several sley rides since I wrote that last to you and have been at several parties and I am invited to three more. you said if you had been here at our spelling school we have had a good and to see that sweetheart of mine hug and kiss me he may do that with all ease imagined. I would like to see you and Ella preform such an opperation if you had been at our house you would have more than all of this started. there was three couple at our house. Ella was there and he was there on friday night a week ago we was out till twelve oclock.an than we spiced [?] till morning. it was last sunday night that all that caravan was at our house. I would like to come out to the Shell Rock and take that [illegible] set. I would like to know what his ...[rest of line illegible] Ella down at our house every night and we will take a dead set. you stated that you expected that me and Ella had our companions picked out for the future but I can tell you one truth. that we can not find one to suit us for life and some times that is a long time. Ella is waiting to see you. you will have to come and pop the marriage question yourself for I don't know to go at it. I think she is ready to emigrate all you will have to do is to come and stay at our house till you can fish around for a while. she is vary particular about keeping her house neat and clean. I think you could not do any better she can do all kinds of work. I told her all you said and she seemed to think it was all right. you said you expected that I would not tell one of my beaus name till my name was changed to his. I can tell you before that time. I have three and I will tell you how I do. I talk with John Burgess on saturday night and on sunday nights with Jackson Ganze and Charles Morrow. he is not Ellas brother. but I like John the best and he is the best looking. you need not think that I am going to get married any soon for there is one thing that will make me stand back for a good while. you wanted me to tell you when I was going to get married but that is so far ahead in the future that I can not tell. I expect you and Ella would make a handsome couple for waiters. I guess I will have you and she for my waiters if it is after you and she is joined in the bands of matrimony. tell milt that he might leave susanah long enough to come out and see the folks anyhow. if you don't come and see us when you go out to Michigan I don't know what I would do. I would go up to never come down. 

you was saying something about them miniatures. I am right in all the time I am writing till I have recieve yours so I could find out how to send it to you. don't be afraid that you will not get one in return that will all be safe and sound. I want to come out there so bad I don't know what to do. if I only that you would be certain to come I would ready and go home with you and stay awhile if would not have any objections and the way we would cut a splash would be a caution. I will tell you one thing Mr. Tharp that I have got so that I my heart my head in anything I care for what before boys but girls look out for smasher. well I must be in a [illegible] for I must say my grammar lesson. I can not think of any thing hardly only I want to see you so bad that I don't know what to do. it seems to me that I that I love you more than any of my other cousins.

this is on friday evening I and on sunday night and there is meeting and one of my beaus is to go home with com over and look in at window. there will a visiting. [several illegible words] to night the teachers name is Mister Sharp [?] they schollars are saying declamations and I must bring my letter to a close for the school will close vary soon. I have not got time to fill up all the paper [illegible line]

we are going to get up strong exibit. I would like for you to be here if you could. So no more at present.

write as soon as you can and come to 

From Josephine Scovell
To Washington Tharpe

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