July the 29 1862
Dear Cousin
Once more I take up the old pen to write a few lines to tell you I am getting along. I am well at presant and I hope when these fewe lines come to hand they will find the same. we recieved your and uncles letter wich gave us much pleasure to read and to think you had not forgotten us. I wrote three letters to you last winter and as I never recieved no letter I concluded you had forgot us or you did not want to write and so I did not write no more. Pap says he has write to uncle but I did not know it or I would have wrote but you must not think bad of me.
we have not got our harvesting rite [?] done we have got our out of doors. the war times is raging most powerful all of our boys is all going of to war. we have had tolerable good times all along but I don't know what we will do now all of leading ones is going to Float tomorrow. I would like to go if I could but I feel so sorrow for the poor fellows having to leave theire good homes and at this time of the year.
supper is over. ones the work all done and I resume my seat again. it is clenching up to rain and thundering vary loud. well & you don't imagin how or know what I would give to see you and have one good time once more. I wish you would come out and see us this fall and stay all winter: and we will have some good times. it is so dark I can't see the lines but I have one soldier that is not gone. he was in the three months soiree and in the years service. he lives in Gonnvill [?] he was hear last Sunday night and we sit up till half after four. we had a nice time I don't want him to go back. he promiced he would not. some of the boys that have came back is got to be vary hard and it takes a person pretty cute to keep ahead of them. it is to day I cant see and I wont have time in the morning. you must write to me as soon as you get this and tell me all of the news concerning of every boddy else.
you must come if you can. I want you to write as soon as you recieve this. well pap is waiting one. So we have had a splendid Sabbath scool and temperance sosiety all of the girles that belong have got white bonnets. this is the way we are know. so no more at presant but am your
Cousin Josephine Scovell
To Washington Tharp.
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