Friday, January 28, 2011

Andrew Thorp to Washington Thorpe 14 April 1873

Grundy County, Missouri
April 14 1873
Dear Children,

I take the present time to write a few lines to let you know how we getting along. We are all in tolerable health except Wash his health poor this spring. We hope you are all well.

I recieved the wheat in due time and have sowed it two weeks ago. The freight amounted to 182.15 Henry's folks are well. We have had fine spring for buisines [sic] we have had very cold rains though. the ground is to wet to plow at present. It rained some last night and is quite squally today. The grass is starting on the prairie.

We learn by a letter from Marris Eddy to Henry's folks that J. Leslie has got back to Bremer again and was very sick please write and let us know how he is doing.

Give my love to the boys tell them I will write to them soon. I will send you the methodist Recorder our church paper. It has a letter from California written by Brother Baker giving a description of Los Anglas county which is flattering indeed. I admire the climate and commercil advantages please me very much. I prefer it to Nebraska.

Thaw the paper the bags. Perhaps I penciled enough for the present.

Write soon give my love to the family.
Yours truly
A Tharp
to W. Tharp
I swear it says "Thaw the paper the bags." I have no idea what this means. Anyone?

Later edit: Mom suggests that 182.15 is high, and it looks like that initial stroke might be an abbreviation mark (presumably for a $). Or it's even possible that what I'm taking as /8 is itself a $ and the amount should be $2.15.

For Thaw the paper the bags I now suggest "Show the paper the boys" but will leave it unedited for now.

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